Being prosecuted or investigated for a crime can have a devastating impact on your reputation and future. That is why we provide a complete service starting from the initial interview to representing you in Court. Our team will advise you of your rights and options. We act for individuals and corporate entities. We deal with your case with professionally and discreetly regardless of the seriousness.
At WestWing, we provide advice on every aspect of criminal law including;
A verbal altercation in a bar or at your own home could be misconstrued as an assault. If you are accused of starting a bar fight or engaging in domestic violence, secure experienced legal help immediately. Understandably, you may feel tempted to explain your side of the story to law enforcement. But, any details you provide could be used against you.
Driving with Excess Alcohol, Driving under the Influence of drink or drugs, Failing to Provide a Specimen. If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you owe it to yourself to get the advice of a knowledgeable solicitor as soon as possible. WestWing Solicitors understands prosecution strategies and are committed to staying ahead of the prosecution through uncovering any procedural errors, contradictory evidence or violations of your civil rights.
WestWing solicitors’ ability to challenge the evidence obtained against you assists in developing an effective defence strategy. Solicitors at WestWing are trained to work with determination to develop an effective defence strategy for individuals accused of driving offences and even people facing offences after resisting and evading arrest. We also represent clients at Special Reason’s hearings, which can reduce the length of a driving suspension.
Possession of Drugs, Drug Distribution, Drug Trafficking. Drug charges may carry serious consequences. Being convicted for a drug crime can carry serious fines or prison time. A criminal drug conviction may also seriously affect your opportunities later in life. Choosing the right criminal solicitor and firm is an important decision. Because of many years of experience, WestWing solicitors have an insight that not all criminal lawyers possess.
This allows us a unique perspective and experience when handling these types of cases. We can assist your understanding of the criminal charges brought against you, the criminal process, and the options you have to help reduce or eliminate charges. We aim to always provide first rate personal representation, effective defence and protection of your rights. We have a proven record of defending clients accused of varied drug crimes including numerous cases involving a variety of drugs including: Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth (Methamphetamine), Speed, Crack Cocaine, Club Drugs (such as ecstasy, GHB, date rape drugs).
Although the death penalty was abolished over sixty years ago, the sentencing in the past five years following a conviction for murder remains higher than ever. Furthermore, conviction rates in murder are increasing due to rapid developments in scientific analysis including DNA, telephone and computer evidence as well as increased anonymity and protection for police informants.
WestWing Solicitors have successfully defended many clients charged with murder, by effectively challenging the prosecution’s case through legal arguments both administratively and at Court. Should you be accused of murder, it is essential to have elite representation from the initial arrest; otherwise the consequences at Trial may be dire. At WestWing our solicitors strive for continuity and will ensure that you are represented by senior lawyers from the initial arrest onwards. After a conviction for murder you will be sentenced to a mandatory term of life imprisonment.
The Judge will set a minimum term tariff indicating the length of time to serve before being considered eligible for release. The tariff will depend on factors such as the use of weapons or multiple murders. Effectively, you could spend the remainder of your life in custody. Many solicitors have no experience in Murder so it is crucial that you are represented by specialists, who are experienced in highly complex cases, and can ensure that you understand the nature of the proceedings against you. WestWing Solicitors have experience in different types of murder ranging from domestic incidents to gangland executions and are rapidly gaining a significant reputation due to our all round abilities and expertise in handling the most serious and technical cases.
There are many different acts that can be labelled as sex crimes including rape, prostitution, solicitation of a minor, child pornography, sexual abuse, sex-related internet crimes and indecent exposure, to name a few. To be accused of a sex crime potentially holds serious consequences such as life imprisonment, including the possibility of a Public Protection Sentence (or IPP), the requirement to report to the police and sign the Sex Offender Register for the rest of their lives and any conviction for a sex crime will ultimately lead to massive employment restrictions.
Furthermore, even an allegation of a sex crime can change your life, triggering hate crime and idle gossip as well as attracting much social stigma. WestWing solicitors are skilled lawyers who also have excellent communication skills, we are used to dealing with sensitive issues and have successfully defended many clients accused of sexual offences including Rape, Indecent Assault, Gross Indecency and Living from Immoral Earnings. More often than not, there is only one key witness in a sex crime, the complainant and the laws on evidence are complex and should your matter proceed to Trial, tactical planning is crucial.
At WestWing Solicitors we do not accept crucial scientific evidence served by the Prosecution as reliable until we have instructed one of a range of the United Kingdom’s leading scientists to conduct an independent analysis report on your behalf. Historically, we have excluded many reports which have led to the Court ruling that our client has no case to answer (N.F.A – no further action).
Burglary, robbery, shoplifting, embezzlement, internet crimes, fraud, and identity theft are types of theft and white collar crimes. WestWing have defended numerous clients charged with a range of offences from sophisticated fraud’s to street mugging.
WestWing has the experience and ability to expand the range of potential outcomes that can protect you from the most serious consequences of a conviction.
If you have a warrant out for your arrest, contact WestWing solicitors for immediate legal advice. A warrant is usually issued by a court to arrest and detain a person for various reasons which include: A failure to pay a fine warrant; an arrest warrant; a warrant for missing a court date.
By ignoring a Warrant or Probation Violations, you are putting your future at risk. You can be arrested at any time – while you are at work, at home, or in your car. A qualified Solicitor can help mitigate the legal problems you are facing, including filing a motion to surrender, or motion to withdraw the warrant.
Associating with known criminals; failed or skipped drug test, Failure to report to your probation or Parole Officer, Juvenile probation problems, Violations of other conditions of your release. We know the laws and legal options pertaining to warrants and probation violations, and will give you sound advice regarding your alternatives. We can also be counted on for capable legal defence in any criminal case related to a warrant.
This also include: Violent acts, sex offences, gang-related activities, theft crimes, property damage, internet crimes, alcohol use and illegal drug crimes, juvenile probation problems and violations of other conditions of your release Each juvenile crime is different with its own set of circumstances making it important to have an experienced defence solicitor when a juvenile is facing serious criminal charges.
A juvenile does not have the rights provided to adults when involved in criminal proceedings. Juveniles are not entitled to a public proceedings or jury. The extent of the crime and the type of crime can affect the decision of a judge at sentencing. Parents need to be involved because they may lose custody of their child to the state youth authorities and reform system. When the future of a young person is at stake, it is important to have support from a skilled and experienced Solicitor from WestWing. Make an appointment today for a consultation regarding a juvenile crime.